Research question: conclusion
Part of Big Questions Little Questions (BQLQ), critical thinking skills for sixth form students from the University of Oxford
Thank you completing this part of BQLQ on developing your research question for independent study.
We have talked about:
- what makes a good research question
- why they are important
- and how to develop your own.
It is worthwhile putting the time into making several drafts of your research question and, it is also important to remember that research is very much a journey and not just a destination to be reached.
We hope that you enjoy this process as much as we have. It is okay for your question to change and your approach to adapt as your knowledge and understanding evolves as you delve deeper into your research. Keep an open mind and don’t shy away form trying to improve your question. Research is not static or constant; it changes constantly and we all just try to do the best that we can and figure things our as we go.
Thank you very much for staying with us throughout this exploration of how to develop your research question. We hope that this will encourage you and that, if you haven’t already, you’ll give the tools a try to start experimenting and coming up with your own questions, however big or little.
Please do check out our other resources to continue developing your critical thinking skills.